Clean power and low carbon fuels are crucial for Canada to meet climate goals. The majority of electricity generation in Canada comes from non-greenhouse gas emitting sources and Canada is a world leader in hydroelectricity, nuclear power and hydrogen. Wind and solar photovoltaic energy are the fastest growing sources of electricity in Canada, while biofuels and electric vehicles also play an important role in reducing the climate impact of transportation in Canada.
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Date modified: 2024-04-24Use this Power BI © tool to access and see the most updated data available. All values in the Map, Data table and Graphs will automatically update based on the user's selection.
To select a specific category or sub-category, select the desired toggle elements within the tool box on the left hand side (i.e., Industry or Reference period). Depending on the data views selected, multiple choices may be available for subject categories, geographies, reference periods, etc. To view the associated data, select the "Data table" tab located on the top right hand corner of the data visualisation.
To return back to the visualisation, select "Map" or "Chart" tab which is next to the Data table tab.
To access other available options, such as to export or sort, position your mouse over the top right hand corner of the data visualisation then select the three consecutive points [. ] that will appear. From there you can then select the desired option that follows (Export data, Show as a table, Spotlight).
To access the various referenced data tables used to prepare the visualisation, select "Data sources" located directly below it then click on the applicable table.