How should you draft your web design contracts, and what must they include? Frank Olivo, owner of a large Web design agency in the United States, and attorney Laura Neville dive into the subject and give us the essential rules that ensure a healthy relationship with your clients.
By Frank Olivo and Laura J. Neville, Esq.
The first day back to work after New Year’s, we got a certified letter from a client. His project was pretty much finished, and we were waiting for final approval to launch it, but we hadn’t heard from him in a few months.
We opened up the letter to discover that he was accusing us of being in breach of contract and demanding a full refund for the project. Our office attempted to get him on the phone, but he refused to speak with us.
Three weeks later, we ended up finishing the project, getting paid in full, and receiving an apology from him. He even paid extra for items that were additions to the scope of the project.
This would not have been possible had it not been for our web design agreement.
I own a web development and SEO agency outside of Philadelphia. My co-author is an attorney that handles all of the content for our law firm clients, and between the two of us, we’ve seen it all.
This post is going to walk you through a number of essential elements and clauses that your agreement must have to help you handle common scenarios that derail web design projects — no matter if you are a freelancer or a small business working with WordPress or any other platform. .
We’re going to talk about the most common pitfalls that we’ve encountered and how having certain clauses in your web development contract can both protect you and save you time and money.
Important – we are not providing you legal advice. The purpose of this post is to get you to consider the common scenarios that arise with web development projects.
You should discuss these scenarios (and more) with an experienced contract lawyer who can draft a binding agreement that will help you to prevent your business from losing time and money.