UA Bargaining: Information and Updates

The University of Oregon and United Academics (UA) resumed the collective bargaining process for a new contract on February 1, 2024. Bargaining sessions will occur every two weeks. Updates will be posted on this page throughout the bargaining cycle.

United Academics represents university faculty, which includes tenure-track and career faculty. The university greatly values the mission-critical work our faculty contribute in support of our academic and research pursuits. As a comprehensive public research university committed to exceptional teaching, discovery, and service, it is our goal to recruit and retain world-renowned faculty that make our institute successful and competitive now and in the future.

Please direct questions and requests for additional information to the bargaining team in Employee and Labor Relations at

Bargaining Updates

Updates from bargaining sessions with United Academics are provided to keep the UO community informed on proposals and counter proposals, tentative agreements, and other important milestones. Questions and requests for additional information should be directed to the bargaining team in Employee and Labor Relations at

August 27, 2024

Bargaining teams from the university and United Academics held their fourteenth bargaining session on August 26 and continued negotiations on a variety of proposals.

August 13, 2024

The University of Oregon’s bargaining team met with United Academics yesterday with many articles exchanged. The list of proposals is up to date with the latest versions of the articles that were exchanged.

The parties discussed the university’s salary proposal, including important principles that serve as a foundation for the proposal and comparator information that is helpful in contextualizing the university’s offer. The university salary offer was changed yesterday to move the first-year increase to an across-the-board increase rather than a merit increase, which was an expressed interest from United Academics.

The UO bargaining team presented several key considerations that lay a foundation for UO proposals, particularly its latest salary offer:

July 16, 2024

The university and United Academics held bargaining sessions on July 2 and 15, now totaling twelve sessions. The parties reached tentative agreements on three more articles, and continued to negotiate on topics such as unit-level policy development, professional responsibilities, review of career and tenured/tenure-track faculty, and leaves. For a full list of the current proposals and tentative agreements, see our List of Proposals page.

June 13, 2024

The university and United Academics bargaining teams held a bargaining session on June 13. Various topics were discussed, including salary, professional development, assignments, and facilities and support.

The UA bargaining team presented a counterproposal on Article 26: Salary that reasserted their previously proposed salary increase framework and percentages.

The HR website is up to date with the latest proposals and counteroffers.

Sessions have been scheduled in the months ahead to continue bargaining over the summer.

May 23, 2024

The university and United Academics held their ninth bargaining session on May 23. A variety of topics were discussed, including evaluation of tenure-track and tenured faculty, support for research faculty, sabbatical, and facilities. The current proposals and tentative agreements are available on the List of Proposals page.

May 16, 2024

The parties held their eighth bargaining session and exchanged several counterproposals, including an economic proposal presented by the university’s bargaining team. The salary offer the university presented is intended to support the mission-critical work of all of our faculty, and includes new provisions that recognize our limited duration faculty while acknowledging the financial realities that UO faces and our financial position relative to our AAU counterparts. For more information, see our Salary (Article 26) page.

The university and United Academics reached a tentative agreement on Article 11 - Release Time. The current proposals and tentative agreements are available on the List of Proposals page.

May 2, 2024

The parties met for their seventh bargaining session and exchanged several proposals. See the list of proposals for details.

April 18, 2024

At the parties' sixth bargaining session, they exchanged several proposals, including UA's latest counteroffer on salary.

April 4, 2024

The parties held their fifth bargaining session. They presented and discussed several counterproposals and reached tentative agreements on three articles:

A complete list of proposals is available to help track exchanges between the bargaining teams and will be updated following each session.

March 18, 2024

The University of Oregon and United Academics have been meeting regularly since February to negotiate the terms of a successor collective bargaining agreement (CBA). Although the bargaining process is in its early stages, the parties have exchanged proposals on twenty-five open articles and have begun negotiating salary, which is a topic of keen interest to all. Refer to the offer comparison for details as well as additional information that provides context for the university’s offer presented to United Academics at last Thursday’s bargaining session.

A complete list of proposals is available to help track exchanges between the bargaining teams and will be updated following each session.

February 29, 2024

The parties held their third bargaining session and presented the following proposed changes to the UA collective bargaining agreement. Note: These are the proposals as of 2/29/24; for current proposals, see UA Bargaining: List of Proposals.

ArticleCurrent Proposal/Counter ProposalDate Presented
4 - Unit-Level PoliciesPresented by UO2-29-24
6 - Policies and PracticesPresented by UO2-29-24
8 - Personnel FilesPresented by UO2-29-24
16 - Notices of AppointmentPresented by UO2-29-24
19 - Career Faculty Review and PromotionPresented by UO2-29-24
21 - Review Decision AppealsPresented by UA2-29-24
26 - SalaryPresented by UA2-29-24
34 - CaregivingPresented by UA2-29-24

February 15, 2024

The parties held their second bargaining session and presented the following proposed changes to the UA collective bargaining agreement. Note: These are the proposals as of 2/15/24; for current proposals, see UA Bargaining: List of Proposals.

ArticleCurrent Proposal/Counter ProposalDate Presented
3 - Shared GovernancePresented by UO2-15-24
9 - Union RightsPresented by UO2-15-24
10 - Dues DeductionPresented by UO2-15-24
11 - Release TimePresented by UO2-15-24
12 - Facilities and SupportPresented by UO2-15-24
13 - Health and SafetyPresented by UA2-15-24
16 - Notices of AppointmentPresented by UA2-15-24
21 - Review Decision AppealsPresented by UA2-15-24
28 - Miscellaneous BenefitsPresented by UA2-15-24
33 - SabbaticalPresented by UO2-15-24
36 - Professional DevelopmentPresented by UA2-15-24
38 - Criminal Records ChecksPresented by UA2-15-24
41 - No Strike, No LockoutPresented by UO2-15-24

February 1, 2024

The parties opened bargaining today and presented the following proposed changes to the UA collective bargaining agreement. Note: These are the proposals as of 2/1/24; for current proposals, see UA Bargaining: List of Proposals.

ArticleCurrent Proposal/Counter ProposalDate presented
3 - Shared GovernancePresented by UA2-1-24
4 - Unit-Level PoliciesPresented by UA2-1-24
6 - Policies and PracticesPresented by UA2-1-24
8 - Personnel FilesPresented by UA2-1-24
12 - Facilities and SupportPresented by UA2-1-24
15 - Classification and RankPresented by UA2-1-24
21 - Review Decision AppealsPresented by UO2-1-24
22 - GrievancesPresented by UA2-1-24
33 - SabbaticalPresented by UA2-1-24

The parties agreed to ground rules prior to the first session, and have opened 29 articles and discussion areas that will be covered in bargaining.